Thanks to Steve Sylwester for keeping and to Eva Sylwester for scanning this October 1967 issue of Hi Lights, St John's school newspaper.
St. Johns Lutheran School ... Seward, Nebraska ... October, Ebenezer Year
Eph. 2:8
By Grace
Are Ye
Saved Through Faith

HI-LIGHTS has asked me to comment on Ephesians 2:8 for this issue of the school paper. The passage reads, “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not your own doing, it is the gift of God.” (RSV) That our salvation is due to God’s generosity is a heavy emphasis in Ephesians. St. Paul had just said that we are saved by grace in verse 5. Now he elaborates. As far as God is concerned salvation is by His grace, that is, His goodness and love. As far as man is concerned salvation is received by faith. These are the two important points. That this might not be misunderstood Paul adds, “and this is not your own doing, it is the gift of God.” If salvation (including everything that belongs to it, like coming to faith) is by grace, then it’s certain it it cannot be by our works. And if we receive it by faith, then it cannot become ours by purchase. Without God’s generosity salvation would never be ours.
The major blessing of the Reformation centers in this understanding of our salvation. It is a gift of God. He loves us and gives us eternal life. This central message of the Christian Church had been obscured and neglected by the church in Luther’s day and he worked hard to restore it to its central place in the life of the church.
What Paul tells us in Ephesians about salvation is taught in many other places in the Bible. “The free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Rom. 6, 23. “God gave us eternal life, and this life is in His Son.” 1 John 5:11.
The way to respond to a gift is to say “Than You!” We say “thank you” for God’s gift of salvation when we respect God’s will, seek to do it, and share the message of His love with others.
Pastor Heidemann
St. John’s students participated in a music workshop on Saturday, October 7, at the Concordia Music Center. Several children from every grade were used in demonstrating “The Total Music Program” which was the theme of the workshop. Teachers and college students gathered to hear Dr. Sally Monsour of the University of Colorado at Boulder tell about her ideas in music education. She is a specialist in this field.
During the workshop, Dr. Monsour taught the children a “feel” for music. They learned to listen for rhythms and discovered the moods and ideas in a piece of music.
Chris Luebke, 8b
The new Patrol Boys for this year have started out doing a wonderful job. The boys are from grade 6, 7, and 8. The captain is Wesley Toenniges, and the co-captain is Phillip Duensing. The others are as follows: Kevin Bye, David Dorpat, Todd Bye, Doug Rolfsmeier, Lanny Hans, Stan Bolte, Tim Roussell, Colby Bartholomew and Brad Peter.
Also now this year are girls on the Patrol team. They put up the flag and other odd jobs.
We hope that the people on the patrol will continue their good work and that God would guide them in their work.
Linda Hardt, editor
We would like to thank these teachers: Mr. Lemke, Mrs. Prochnow, Mr. Heinicke, Mr. Schmieding, Mr. Zimbrick, Mr. Meyer, Mr. Giesselmann, Mr. Peter, and Mrs. Lemke because they substituted for us while Mrs. Koch was gone to the hospital.
I’m surprised that so many teachers came to help out.
It as so nice when Mrs. Koch came back because then we got straightened out.
Jeanette Meyer, 6a
In our last issue of HI-LIGHTS we forgot to welcome all the newcomers at St. Johns.
We already have had four children leave St. John’s. Their names and grades are: Lorraine (8) & Carl (4) Burkett; Laura Backhus & Jane Skokan (kindergarten). We wish them God’s Blessing.
Ronda Kirch, news editor

Dr. Martin Luther nailed the 95 theses to the church door in Wittenburg 450 years ago. That was the beginning of the Reformation which we celebrate this month. He translated the Bible into the German language so the common people could read it. He was a great preacher and writer. He was the father of six children.
Sheryl Petri, 3a
“The just shall live by faith,” said Paul. Luther made it known. Luther made our Bible an open book. If Luther hadn’t found Romans 1:17, why we might be still doing good works or buying paper for salvation. Remember, Luther made our BIBLE an OPEN book.
Billy Heinicke, 4b
One day we had a surprise. The seventh grade came to our room. They had a wonderful story. Do you know of a man who was afraid of God? His name was Martin Luther. The first time he saw a Bible was when he was in a library. “For by grace you have been saved through faith,” he read.
Tabby Bundenthal, 2b
I was born on the eleventh of October and what else? I as baptized on the eleventh of October just like Martin Luther. I was lost from God but then I came back to God. Not by working very hard, but only by faith.
Johanna Stohs, 2b
Perhaps you have been wondering what goes on in 5b because two people have their arm in a cast. Well, nothing has happened in class but a couple arms got in the way at home. Jan Christian broke her left arm while giving Bettina Roundey a piggy back ride and Peter Graff broke his when he fell out of a tree-house. Both breaks are mending nicely and the arms will be as good as new very soon.
Oct. 19 – 21 ... CTC Homecoming
Oct 23 – 25 ..... NO SCHOOL – Teachers convention
Oct 31 ............. Reformation service at school
Our mothers always have us looking so nice – and no doubt, our daddies often help. They send us off to Kindergarten with a kiss and a big smile. They do so many things that make us glad – But only God gives us a nice clean heart every day, and only God takes us to heaven because our Savior Jesus died.
Many things make us glad in Kindergarten – autumn leaves, pets, oh, oh, oh – we had a real live monkey, and an opossum, rabbits, cats, and a dog. – We make up stories about them. We draw pictures of them. –
And oh – we have had fire truck rides. Hurrah!
We have 10 girls and 12 boys in our room. LeDeana Roller is new in our school this year. We are glad to have her here. Mrs. Mannigel is our student teacher. She will be here for four weeks.
On Sunday, October 22 at 11:00 a.m. we will sing in church for the first time. We are happy to praise God in church too. Now we are studying about Martin Luther. Soon we will help celebrate the 450th birthday of the Reformation.
One of the best and most exciting things in our room is learning to read. We have already read a whole book.
Everyday we have many visitors. Most of them are students from CTC. Sometimes they help us too.
October has brought several colorful and interesting things to the first grade. Steve Kreieser, who now had mumps, was kind enough to bring us pumpkins, leaves, fall flowers, and gourds to use in a fall display. It was especially nice since he brought a gourd for each one of us to take home. We thank him.
Animal life has also been plentiful. Besides the 2 chrysallis’s we are watching we also were lucky to have 2 baby pigeons brought by Clint Duer and a huge white rabbit which belonged to Gary Johnson. We enjoyed them especially when they could make more noise than our class. A colorful butterfly visited for several days, but we let him go so he could find food and a home.
In Art the class and I have made straw pictures. We had fun too.
David Streufert, 2a

Here at St. John’s a new method is being used to teach eighth grade science. It’s called I.P.S. (Introductory Physical Science). Instead of just discussing science as we did last year, we do the experiments and find out for ourselves. Almost everything we need can be clamped to the pegboard that came with the kit. We are also supplied with balancers to weigh out the materials we are working with. Right now we are discovering what density is.
Alan Christian, 8b
We had a turkey! a lobster! a rat nursery! guinea pig! a turtle! fish! a crawdaddy! monkey! pigeon! duck! And what do you think of that!
Ellen Uhlig, 2b
A Feather is a very little thing. It is not very big. But if you look so very closely, you’ll see the bristles. There are more than you see. There are more than 7000 little! little! little! germs. What a lot of things you find out by looking at feathers!
Howard Christian, 2b
We had a lot of fun in health one day. My teacher brought some fruit and vegetables. We would sit in a chair blindfolded and he would put something in our mouth. We would tell him, what we got. Some people got onion and pepper. I got an apple and a lemon.
Joel Klammer, 5b
Two days ago was class election day. We voted James Ficken, president; Marsha Kamprath, secretary; Peter Graff, Secretary of Defense; Dale Deremer, Science Manager; Sueann Beckman, Secretary of Public Relations; Paul Kolterman, man in charge of A.V.; Jan Christian and Steve Kraft, Postal Secretaries; Kenny Kupke, Vice President. Every six weeks we vote again.
Mary Einspahr, 5b
In 7b we are studying about the Book of Esther in social studies. We are going to make a bulletin board. The book of Esther is about a man named Haman who wanted everyone to bow down to him. But Mordecai, a Jew, would not bow down. So they set a date for all the Jews to die. If you want to find out what happened read the Book of Esther in the Old Testament.
Denise Schulz, 7b
Devotions in 8a are probably done differently than in any other room. First, people are selected to have a devotion for each day. Then after a hymn is sung, the person that is having the devotion holds up a Chrismon – a symbol that is used on the Christmas tree in the church. The person then tells about the meaning of the Chrismon. After all is explained about the Chrismon a Bible Reading and a prayer is said.
Richard Bahr, 8a
Four B invites you to come to its Bible display. We have Bibles in different languages. It will be fun for everyone to see them. Come everyone.
Michael Marino, 4b
Yes, the eighth graders need more experience in describing objects.
Mrs. Pralle gave us an assignment to describe an object. The other class had to draw the object from our descriptions. We also had the pleasure of drawing what they had described. Only a few came out to be exactly right. The majority were ridiculous.
Tuesday afternoon 7b went to the second grade (Mrs. Godemann’s room) and first we entered with the singing of the hymn “Holy, Holy, Holy”. I was playing the trumpet. After we were done with that we taught some of the little children the first verse of it. Then some girls came to the front and explained some pictures they had brought. Mark Stadsklev read a psalm. We then finished our devotion for the second grade.
Philip Duensing, 7b
If you are reading this article – hurray for you! If you think the school paper isn’t worth reading you are mistaken. This year the paper has many new things in it. One of them is the classified ads.
Ronda Kirch, 8a

We are learning about the Indians and how they make their houses. We are learning about many other people.
Brenda Peter, 2a
In Social Studies we have been studying about the thirteen colonies. Mrs. Prochnow has made it very interesting. Some of the ways she has done is by letting us make tapes about what we have read. Then she played it back to us. She also has taken maps and numbered places, then we must write down each location. Another time she put questions up around the room and we had to answer them.
Nancy Schulz, 8b
In 5a we are teaching the class. Four people take a state. Then they find things about it. When they are all ready they report to the class.
Donna Warnsholz, 5a
During Social Studies, October 6 the eighth grade had a map test. This was not an ordinary map test but a test in which we went about the room to six different locations. At each location there was a map and on our paper we had to fill in the correct space with the correct word.
Diane Uhlig, 8a
We visited the courthouse October 3. We saw the county judge. We talked to him. We went to talk to the sheriff. He told us he had three people in jail. We looked out the window. We were really high in the building.
Connie Snodgrass, 3b
Friday the 13th was a big day for 6a because we had a Mexican fiesta.
Mrs. Zimbrick cooked some Mexican food for us to sample. We had piñata which we broke. We learned some Mexican games, songs, dances.
We are glad we ere able to have this fiesta, not only because it was fun but it helped us in learning about Mexico.
Mark Schultz, 6a
In social studies we are learning about Mexico. We learned our Spanish names. Mine is Paco.
Jackie Stutzman, 6a
One day Mrs. Pfeiffer said, “We are going to paint.” It took a while to get out the paint, paper, and things but it was worth it. I painted a picture of a little house in the woods. Ann Streufert painted a design. A lot of people painted pictures. You may come to our room and see them. Third graders enjoy painting!
Melanie Martens, 3a
The 7th grade boys are carving all kinds of odd objects out of a mixture of plaster and dirt in their art class. They are carving dragons, devils, two headed turtles, and all kinds of abstract art. Some of the children are done and have given their object coats of hot turpentine and melted wax as a final step to make it glossy.
Allen Pozehl, 7
The first week in October the 7th and 8th grade girls went to see some art exhibits over at the college. Mr. Marxhausen, Mr. Wolfram, and Mr. Wiegman. We were very happy to see these exhibits and we wish to thank Mr. Marxhausen for showing them to us.
Jane Brinkmeyer, 8b
We are making gesture sketches in art. We use black ink, pencils, and sticks with black ink on them. We have art once a week. We gesture sketch and use them when we make a big picture.
Matt Rutledge, 6a
This Monday we started sketching the tree without the leaves. We went over to the half moon circle to sketch the trees. They were very interesting ones. Mr. Meyer gave us five sheets of paper each, with a piece of cardboard underneath it. He told us we could take them home and sketch the trees we wanted to. Have fun in art everyone.
Cathy Schultz, 5a

On last Monday when it was bright & gay
Donie Dixon went out to play
He got a brainstorm, a fiendish plan in mind;
For he hated bees of every kind.
He remembered last summer on a hike;
A year ago when he was a little tike:
Perched up in the lofty trees
Was a bee-house plum full of bees.
Donie thought it over in a professor-like way,
“Should he go or should he stay?”
It didn’t take long to decide;
He’d be gone before noontide.
On the following Tuesday morn
He woke up when day was born;
He stretched his arms most heartily,
For today he was going to find that certain tree.
His list of provisions read:
One slice solomy between two pieces of bread,
One shotgun with ten shells for shooting,
And one glass jar for honey-looting.
He came to the place he had often remembered;
Faintly above him the buzz he heard.
At this time he dropped to his knees
And aimed his gun at the lofty trees.
A loud bang rang through out the forest.
He had hit broadside of the nest.
Then one after one the bees began to appear.
He stood and rant for he knew his END near.
The moral of the story
As you may see;
He who has a fiendish mind
Is a devil of our kind.
John Streufert, 6a
The classroom is all quite now,
Holy cow, my-oh-wow!
They all went home.
Except poor old Jerome.
And why did Jerome stay?
Well, he’s kind of in a crazy way.
Jerome’s a wasp, a crazy one,
And surely he is not so fun.
Beth Daenzer, 6a
Big hairy
Clever friendly helpful
Moving in a web
Luther Stohs, 4a
Terrific, radiant
Prize winner pig
Helpful, humble,
Kind, gentle
W I L B E R.
Cynthia Schulz, 4a
In 1942
A land came into view
By Columbus and his crew.
Many years before
The vikings stepped on shore
Then supplies they needed more.
America’s the land
On which we all now stand
And it is really grand.
Cindy Bundenthal, 8a
1 lockof hair from that all-American half back, Kevan Stepp. (About 15 strands)
1 solid gold tie clip from that World-wide playboy, Richard Bahr.
1½ inner tubes from a green fastback bicycle ridden by the Teddybear as she is called in her secret identity.
1 cubic inch of brain matter from that famous genius Paul Koehler.
1 yard of speed from that track star, Bill Heine.
11¾ fruit loops from shirts of that famous novelist David Cloeter.
1 tennis shoe from that all around sports star, Gary Faszholz.
Blend all ingredients into 10 gallon kettle, except the shoe. Add 5 gallons of water, heat with open fire, for seasoning, add the shoe. Pour off water into bowls, then eat. (Be sure to cook at mid-night.)
Fred Baade, 8a

Halloween is very fun.
You may dress up as a queen.
You may dress up as a dog.
Or even as a frog.
You may get some candy
To make you fat and dandy.
Debbie Dorpat,4b
Orange leaves on the trees,
Cider at Halloween parties;
Theses nailed upon the door,
October means fun galore;
Branches with their leaves all gone,
Everybody raking a lawn,
Reddening skies when it’s dawn:
Jon Moravec, 6b
My chicken went cockadoodledoo
And then he caught the flu
He ate some feed
It made him turn tweed
And that was the end of his flu.
James Ficken, 5b
When the wind blows I feel it on my toes.
The leaves turn red and soon are dead.
I jump in leaf piles with my brother Giles.
Oh, how fall is such a wonderful thing.
It makes everybody want to sing.
Sheri Snodgrass, 4b
Nature at it’s best
The wind drifts softly through the trees,
So quietly, so quietly.
The sun is peering through the heavens,
Very warmly, very warmly.
Down to earth the leaves are falling,
Softly, so very gently, softly.
The clouds run by with great appeal.
White and fluffy, white and fluffy.
Kay Pollock, 8a
Leaves! Leaves! Falling to the ground.
Leaves! Leaves! Scattering all around.
Leaves! Leave! Violet – orange – blue.
Very pretty colors all around you.
Tim Preuss, 2b
Pretty falling [illegible] to turning bright,
From what you [illegible] quite a sight.
Leaves that are falling, brown, yellow, and green,
These are the prettiest colors seen.
Nancy Curtis, 6b
I like it when its cold.
And my nose gets red.
I like it when its cold
But I’d rather be in bed.
When the autumn leaves fall,
All red, yellow, and brown,
They whirl around our wall.
Until they touch the ground.
I like it in the Fall.
Ann Streufert, 3a

Try to get to the center where the opening is placed with a number. When you get to the center all numbers that were in the opening you went through it must add up to 17. Try it.
Lee Meyer, 5a
Coffee – something your parents need in the morning before you make any noise.
Jesi [illegible], 4b

by Jon Moravec, 6b

We have anew girl in 3B. Her name is Margo Johnson. Margo has two brothers. One is Merle. He is 13. The other one is Mark. He is 16. They used to live in Milwaukee. I hope Margo likes St. John’s. And I hope Margo likes Seward. May God Bless Margo.
Mary Rosin, 3b
We neglected to mention last month that Janet Robinson is new to our room and our school. Even though she is well acquainted by now, we still want to say a belated “welcome” to her.
Mrs. Godemann, 2a
Orval Roller is new in our class. He went to the public school in Staplehurst. Dean is his father. He works at the Vickers Station, one and one half blocks away from Main Street.
Kent Imig, 3b
The boys in third grade have been playing football. Mr. Mannigel helped us. Some of the rules in football are that you are not supposed to run over the spot where the center hiked the ball and then passed the ball. Then the team that made the penalty would have a five yard loss. Another rule is called “off sides.” If someone goes across the spot where the center is going to hike, then it also is a five yard loss or gain. Is football fun? We think so.
Eric Heinicke, 3a
That is how the St. John’s football players felt Friday, Oct.6 as rain cancelled the football game we had scheduled here against Utica. Although the game was cancelled it will be made up sometime before the end of the football season.
The previous Wednesday the CHS freshmen came back to try again to beat us, but couldn’t quite do it. Even so, the game was closer than the last one. This game’s score being 26-12. The freshmen have been under the instruction of two college coaches ever since we beat them last month 33-0.
John Lemke, boy’s sports editor
Please put your opinions about the paper in Mrs. Pralle’s box in the office.
The series of events this year includes basketball, deck tennis, soccer, dodgeball and volleyball.
Basketball and dodgeball are all-time favorites for most sport-minded girls in the 7th and 8th grades. One girl commented that she didn’t think the girls would ever get tired of these games.
Deck tennis and volleyball are new for the seventh graders and soccer is a new experience for all. Most of us agree that new games can be just as much fun as other games that the girls have already learned and still enjoy.
Mary Mueller, girl’s sports editor
We are learning the side-straddle hop. It is fun. I like to do it. We like to do it. We practice in the gym.
Becky Hemsath, 2a
I want to sell a model at the price of $1.25. It is a Ford Falcon with clicks, drag motor, and a paint job.
Tom Richters, 5a
I would like to know if anyone has any white mice for sale. I would like to buy two to four white mice.
Pat Hardt, 5b
Want to sell a B-B gun pistol in good condition, 12 shot repeater. You may look at it if you wish. Price is $5.00. Call Stan Bolte 9109 or see me at school.
Free baby rabbits!
If you want some see or call Joel Klammer, 5b.
I will sell polished rocks, any shape any size – 3 for 10¢. Come to 6a at 8 to 8:15 in the morning. Matt Rutledge 6a
At 1750 Meadow Lane there are some weights for $10.00 – 25 to 1¼ pound weights. Hurry before we are sold out!
Mike Atkinson, 5b
Would you like some guppies? Jacobson’s are giving them away. If you would like some, call 4047 after 5:00 p.m.
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