Continued from Part 1.

Foxy takes us a trip into the future via crystal ball. We see:
Kathy Kupke is now playing the part of Helen in the Miracle Worker on Broadway.
Ellen Kolterman has been on a talking marathon. She talked without ceasing for 47 days. She practiced in study hall at St. Johns.
Merle Johnson is a hair dresser and all the fashionable people are wearing "Merle Wigs" which are designed after Merle's own hair.
Richard Bahr is an international spy under the alias of James and whose code number is quadruple "0" "7".
Kevin Bye now owns a second two-story house. He does not live in it, but only uses it to store his many valued (?) collections of knick-knacks.
John Lemke is a professor of math at the Alfred E. Neuman Institute.
Richard Peterson has just tipped the scales at 300 pounds after winning an "all you can eat" hamburger and malt contest.
Melanie Bolte is coaching the Green Bay Packers. After practice she instructs all players in spelling.
Nancy Schulz is proving that blondes have more fun.
Karin Peterson is taking another world cruise, only this time by balloon.
Cindy Bundenthal is now governess for Queen Elizabeth's youngest child.
Sue Gerwick is now wearing and manufacturing glasses with trianguar rims.
Jane Brinkmeyer has just won Miss Congeniality in the Miss America Pageant.
Ronda Kirch has now opened an arts and crafts shop.
Wesley Tonniges has not completed a novel on "HOw to Improve your Etiquette."
Craig Adamek now owns and operates a licorice store.
Kay Pollock is the first woman sheriff for Seward County.
Paul Duensing has become a noted track star who has broken all Olympic records at age 16.

Fred Baade is now the President of the United States and is first in the hearts of his countrymen and first in the Websters dictionary under B.
Kim Kline is a Scientific marvel. He is the noted rocket glider expert on yesterday's rocket staff. (Yesterday is the twin city of Tamora.)
Bill Heine is the assistant pencil sharpener to a statistician who used a ball point pen for the Wala Wala Nebraska surfing team.
Paul Koehler is the statistician for the great Wala Wala basketball team. He and Bill Heine will share offices.
Charlene Warnsholz is modeling at Sacs on 5th Avenue.
Janet Jostes is famous for designing disposable origami hats.
Diane Uhlig has just finished climbing Mount Everest. She was successful.
Donita Luebbe is now famous for her many flowers.
Steve Sylwester has just been elected the real Lord High Executioner.
Chris Luebke has just finished writing the screen play version of the History text at St. John's, Five Centuries in America.
Mary Mueller -- an Oscar for the best acress in a comedy production entitled "Katisha".
Ruth Lange -- The world famous author of the book entitled, "Ten easy ways to wear your hair long and like it."
David Cloeter -- cleanest cut young pastor to ever have served in the mission fields of Western Nebraska because he had to mop the St. John's shower room daily during his 8th grade baskettball season.
Kathie Heinicke has been awarded the Pulitzer prize for Interior Decorating.
Kevan Stepp is the center for the Harlem Globetrotters.
Linda Hardt has received the most beads by a girl in Camp Fire.
Alan Christian has become famous for his pill that makes people taller. (He will be the first to use it.)
Neil Herrs is now a sprinter. He has just broken a world record at the 60 yard dash (at 5.7 seconds).
Tedi Beck has wyrld wild fame as best cheerleader in the world.
Lori Rolfsmeier is now a world known dating and marriage counsellor.
Christie Dickinson is now a famous gossip columnist rising to the peak of her career in the Seward Independent.
Virginia Zimmerman and her equally high of stature husband have just won the tallest couple contest for the 5th straight year.
Gary Faszholz jumped 17'1" in broad jump for the Olympic games.

I, Kay E. Pollock, do will my black hair bair (for the girls) and my lucky rock to those who want it (First come, first serve.)
I, Janet Jostes, will a large part of my mental block to Jack Einspahr who some day maybe know as Jack Einstein.
I, Ruth Lange, will a single strand of my beautiful, gorgeous, lovely hair to any seventh grader who thinks they might go bald within the next couple of years.
I, Nancy Schulz, will my ability of getting along with the teachers to Denise Schulz.
We, Melanie Bolte and Ronda Kirch, will our ability to make fools of ourselves in front of almost anyone -- to anyone who wants it. (We certainly don't.)
I, David Cloeter, will to thee my unfailing ability to fall off a bench in the middle of an operetta practice. And also a large quantity of my speed in which you can use to escape all girls unless you feel the urge not to.
I, Fred Baade, will to Allen Pozehl my fine threadlike growth which protrudes from the summit of my immensely valuable head. Even as it has protected my gray matter for innumerable years, may also protect yours.
I, Diane Uhlig, will my stomach's appetite to anyone who likes to eat an hour after the delicious dinner meal.
I, Sue Gerwick, will my Vice-Presidency of the Pep Club to whoever gets it.
I, Cindy Bundenthal, will my tremendous height to John Seevers, since he needs it so badly.
I, Charlene Warnsholz, will my heighth to the short seventh grade boys so that they may look down at the girls instead of up.
I, William Charles Heine, being of sound mind and body, will my beloved eraser to whomever might need to erase themselves from the world. For instructions on using my eraser contact me, William C. Heine.
I, Paul Koehler, being of sound mind and unsound body, will my knee ailment to Danny Janzow, so that he may be totally crippled in both legs.
I, Donita Luebbe, will one lock of naturally curly hair to anyone who needs it, also my ability of playing teather ball.
I, Kathie Heinicke, will nothing to seventh grade, and keep all my abilities to myself.
I, Karin Peterson, will my bottle of bleach to any seventh grader who wants blonde hair.
I, Kathy Kupke, will my braces to David Dorpat, only soddered shut.

I, Mary Mueller, being of sound mind and strong body, will my great height to Holly Krutz – who is in need of it.
I, Gary W. Faszholz, will my great acting ability and my great love for sports to Dan McGrew in hopes that in your future years you may become an outstanding athlete and actor.
I, Kevin Bye, will my saxophone music and my position as first saxophone player of the "A" band to Dan McGrew; I also will whatever is left of my spelling book to Holly Krutz (I doubt she needs it). I also will my ability to make bulletin boards to David Dorpat.
I, Jane Brinkmeyer, will my height to Holly Krutz and my Presidency of the Pep Club to whoever gets it.
I, Lori Rolfsmeier, will my freckles to Susan Rosin, who I know just loves them and really needs them.
I, Karin Peterson, will to the seventh grade "Brown Baggers" the encouragement to stay in that corner and keep your candles turned off. Keep those faces smiling.
I, Christie Dickinson, will my pigtails and my many freckles to one of the nicest "Brown Baggers", Connie Boeka.
I, Kevan Stepp, will to David Dorpat my ability to spell.
I, Linda Hardt, will my great talking ability to Doreen Meinke (who doesn't really need it, but I will give it to her anyway).
I, Craig Adamek, will my strong shot-put arm to the weak and timid Phil Duensing.
I, Merle Johnson, hereby will my great ability to get all my English work done to get A's in it to David Dorpat.
I, John Lemke, being of sound mind (?) and body, do hereby will my many girl friends to some deserving seventh grader.
I, Wesley Tonniges, will to David Dorpat my nick name I got from Mr. Lemke, guerks.
I, Pete Peterson, will to Scott Kamprath my ability to clean my desk.
I, Kim Kline, will to any able bodied seventh grader my interest and ability in building and launching model rockets.
I, Chris Luebke, will my famous, fantastic super-efficient labor-saving A, number-one super-spitball remover to Mr. Giesselmann and the entire class of seventh grade boys, in fond memory of my craziest year when I was in seventh grade.
I, Tedi Beck, will my wonderful ability to talk to Phil Duensing and Tim Sylwester, who for some strange reason hardly ever talk.
I, Neil Herrs, will my pen to Allen Luebbe who always is borrowing other people's.
I, Richard Bahr, hereby will my checkered sox and beloved bicycle to all those hard working and neat kids in the seventh grade.

Dear Seventh Grade,
The teardrops fall as I wrote this. Why? For the simple reason that I am so poor and worn out that I have nothing to will. Oh, seventh grade, please, remember me.
Yours lovingly, (cough)
"Big C"
The last will and testament of Steve Sylwester, the most beloved of the 8th graders, I, Steve Sylwester, being of sound mind, body, and soul, do hereby will these great treasures and glories of my stupendously fabulous self to any blessed seventh grader mentioned or inferred to in the following --
I will my unequaled humbleness and modesty and the solemn and blessed title of "Champion of the Common People” which has honored the name lf such former St. .Joh’s immortals as Mike Sylwester, Mark Glaess, and myself to anyone the honorable “Der Fuehrer" of the Science room, Mr. Zimbrick finds fit to bestow this honor on.
I, Paul Duensing, will to Allen Pozehl my First Trombone music that he may enjoy them and as I did.
I, Virginia Zimmermann, will my handwriting to Brad Rathje.
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