Thanks to Steve Sylwester for keeping this issue of Hi Lights during all these years, and thanks to his daughter Eva for scanning and e-mailing it all for me.

Hi Lights
St Johns Lutheran School Seward Nebraska May 1968
Be strong in the Lord.
Put on the whole armor of God.

"Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. Put on the whole armor of Lord, that you may be able to stand against the wiles ofthe devil." Paul said those words as he closes his letter to the Ephesians. As Paul takes leave of his people he thinks of the greatness of the struggle that lies before them. And as we take our leave from school for this year we look forward to: A summer of fun? A vacation from school work? Swimming? Ball games? Yes, all of these and more. But we also look forwrad to a real battle, a battle for which we need to be strong in the Lord.
Robert Louis Stevenson once said: You know the Caledonian Railway Station in Edinburgh? One cold, east-windy morning, I met Satan there." We do not know what Stevenson's actual experience was, but we recognize the experience; we have all felt the force of that evil influence which seeks to make us sin. Satan is real and he is terrible!
But we have the armor of God! This armor fits children, even little children, especially well. For the armor is none other than Jesus Christ! With Him we can defeat all of the temptations of Satan. Put on the armor for summer! Put on Christ! It is a joy to serve Him. His burden is light.
Pastor Dorpat
Yes, we the new Hi-Lights staff will try to improve the paper and make it better.
We first must say thank you to the eighth grade for doing its job and having this year's paper -- all but this May issue.
We would also like to say farewell, good-bye, so long, and ta-ta to the eighth grade paper staff, and the whole eighth grade class.
We will, with God's help, try to improve and complete this next year's paper. So remember: NEXT YEAR -- BETTER YET!
Jack Einspahr, editor
The 8th grade held their retreat May 11 and 12. They had lost of fun playing sports. They canvassed and had Bible Classes. The class enjoyed free time also.
Dear Eighth Grade,
Congratulations! We are sad to see you leave. But we are also happy that you will be able to take communion. God has something planned for all of you.
Jodi Aegerter, 4b
It has been so wonderful to have you walk by or walk into the Kindergarten room. You seem so big, you smile so friendly, and you surely must know so much. --- Some day we hope to be like you. May God bless you ever in the days to come.
Good-bye also to all the nice teachers who are leaving. We shall miss your happy faces. God bless you, too.
The Kindergarteners
Good bye eighth graders. We won't be seeing you for a while. We hope that whatever you grow up to be, you will trust that God will help you, and that you try to do your best.
Ann Streufert, 3a
The eighth grade is leaving St. John's. It is time for them to partake of the Lord's Supper. Sigh ..... another eighth grade. If only I were in eighth grade! Well, I'm not. There is no use in wishing, just hoping I'll make it.
So, my congratulations to the eighth grade.
Renae Roseler, 4b
As you all know, the 8th grade were confirmed. For whoever wasn't there, there were 51 who were confirmed. The pastor blessed them and confirmed them.
So we say good-bye to the 8th grade and good luck. May God walk beside them as they go through life.
Connie Schultz, 3a
On Friday, May 17, the 8th grade took their annual sneak day. After a tour through Huges Brothers, they left for Lake Pawnee. There, they had a weiner roast and played games, fished or hiked. The afternoon was concluded with a hymn sing and devotions.
The 7th grade went bowling that afternoon. They are looking forward to their 8th grade sneak.

Congratulations are in order for the following grades:
The eighth grade was confirmed on Sunday, May 5. Congratulations! May you keep steadfast in faith.
To the third and fourth graders, who gave two wonderful plays: "Charlotte's Webb" and "Winnie the Pooh."
Also the kindergarten, who did a very good job on their play "The Little Red Hen."
To all these people, we give our most heart-filled congratulations!
Susan Rosin, 7a
We would like to say good-bye to all the teachers who are going to leave us. We wish them all God's blessings in the future.
Miss Baumgartener
Mrs. Koch
Mrs. Pralie
Mr. Zimbrick (for one year)
We wish to thank all the people that have helped the schoool this year. Especially to our custodian, cooks, librarians, and our secretary, Mrs. Lemke, we express our thanks and wishes for a wonderful summer.
We thank everyone of our librarians for all the time they took so we could have enjoyment -- so we could read a book.
They took their time and all for us.
And for that they got no pay.
But they kept on working and didn't quit. Day after day, after day.
Jan Christian, 5b
Three A thanks Mrs. Martens who helped with our operetta, Winnie-the-Pooh. We have learned many songs from her. She helped us with our church songs too. We learned all about rhythm instruments and how to play them. She helped the fourth grade too. We made the meoldies and Mrs.Martens wrote the words for our melodies.
Thank you, Mrs. Martens, for every thing!
Sheryl Petri, 3a
The cooks feed us good food every day. They know exactly how much to give us daily. They cook the foods that are good for us. Some of us do not like some foods and tell the cooks, but they have to at least give us a little of the food unless we are allergic to it. We should all thank the cooks for the fine food, and say "Cookies to the Cooks."
Renee Ouellette, 3a
The theme for VBS this year is "Living Christian Citizenship." It begins June 12 and ends July 10. It is offered to grades pre-kindergarten to six. Hope to see you there this summer.
Say thanks to our librarians. For all their good help. We surely do appreciate that. They let us take books out. And when books are overdue, seems all they say is, "Shame on you" and smile.
Dan Krause, 3a
On April 27, at Concordia Teachers College, a science fair was held with about 80 exhibits. The exhibits included the effect of sound on plant growth, one proving that light could be stored, and another on suspended animation. Kim Kline received first prize in junior high physics. Ruth Lange and Kathy Kupke won in the junior high biology division.
Susan Hindrichs, 7a
Vacation Bible School - June 12 to July 10
Reading Program - June 24 to July 24
Physical Education Program - June 12 - July 10
Giant eye
Staring, glaring, sharing.
Spellboynder of all ages.
Shining orb
Shimmering, dancing, gliding.
Brightening the night
Cathy Christian
Seven B

Chris Luebke, 8b, was selected as winner of the creative writing contest which the 7th and 8th grades entered. The contest was sponsored by Read Magazine. The second and third place winners were Tim Sylwester, 7a, and Holly Krutz, 7a, respectively.
On May 16, we had a special treat. We had a lyceum. On the program were the Cellar Dwellers, and Dr. Sylwester and Dr. Brandhorst. The Cellar Dwellers entertained us with songs. Drs. Sylwester and Brandhorst presented our library with a book "The Tale of Whitefoot," which they had written.
The seventh and eighth grade girls started on a summer sport. It is not one of the favorites but it worked out. Mrs. Prochnow is a pro on tennis, so if you need help just ask her. While the girls that were interested in tennis with Mrs. Prochnow [went] to the tennis courts, the rest of the girls (who weren't interested in tennis) played dodgeball, and stationary in the gym.
Besides tennis we did this to get us fit for our track meet. When we practiced outside we could see other children doing their track events also.
Bonny Helms
Girls sports editor
The St. John track meet was held on May 15. Grades 3 and 4 competed against each other. Also 5 and 6 and 7 and 8 were pitted against one another. Three B won the track meet with 39 points.
The second and first grades had their own track meet at the school.
On April tenth, grade 3a went to see Seward's wells, Sewage plant, and the reservoir for Seward's water supply. It was fun. We learned that Seward had one of the best sewage plants in the state.
William Roundey, 3a
In music we learned about Mozart. He was a little boy. He became great musician when he was only four years old. He was like his father and his sister, who sat at the piano and played the longest time.
Laurel Giesselmann
The fifth grade went to the Shrine Circus in Lincoln. It was a lot of fun. We saw ponies and clowns. There was a man there selling lizards in boxes. We went there April 23. We left at 1:15 and got back at 5:30. It was lot of fun.
Brian Hicks, 5b
A week from this Friday we are going to have a luau. Maybe you want to know what a luau is. It is a party where you celebrate the customs of Hawaii. We are also studying Alaska. We will bring things to represent both Alaska and Hawaii. We will have food from Hawaii and Alaska too. It will be fun. I think you should study Hawaii and Alaska also and then you could have a luau.
Mary Einspahr, 5b
Yes, I'm going up are you? Jesus went into heaven on the third big festival of our church year. For without Ascension Day, Christmas, and Easter would do us no good. For if Jesus hadn't gone up into heaven to prepare a place for us we would be stuck here on earth forever. Show your thankfulness by going to church Thursday evening, Ascension Day.

What are St. John's students going to do this summer? Our roving reporter went around to some of them. Here are some of the results:
"I'm going to visit my grandma." (second grader)
"I'm going to Vacation Bible School and swimming." (first grader)
Another second grader and her family were moving to a new house.
In the fourth and fifth grades, many things are going on. People are going on camping trips or fishing trips, visiting relatives or attending VBS.
Sixth grade summer activities range from summer campus to just "goofing around."
Seventh and eighth graders are going to just plain enjoy the summer...
One day we went to buy a chameleon. When we got there the chameleons were very cheap. They only clost one dollar. Isn't that cheap?
He likes to crawl on black things. He likes to crawl on the davenport, and the wheels of my truck and he got ran over so he should be more careful. He tries to jump on mine or dads or Carmen's or Ward's shadows, but he cannot do it. He likes to jump on a black chair, and he has fun climbing on black things. He thinks it's fun, and he was happy to have a friend like Billy, or Carmen, or Ward or Dad with him. The end of this story.
(This story was written and illustrated in book form by Billy Wolfram, grade 1b.)
LOST -- Fielders baseball glove. It has a black name tag on the had strap showing the manufacturer's name. If you think you might have it contact Allen Luebbe.
Remember the church picnic this Sunday, May 26th at 1:00. There will be games for each grade. Be sure to bring some money so you can buy what you want. Fave fun and see you there!
The first rule in trying to confuse the pitcher is to wear bright clothing. When you come to the game, you should wear a bright orange hat. In your back pocket put a long yellow handkerchief stand out, and distracts the pitchers attention from his pitching.
The next rule in confusing the pitcher is having the proper stance and facial expression. When coming to the plate to bat you should squint and stare at the pitcher. Then growl at him while taking your warmup swings. This is sure to make the pitcher nervous. Then as the pitcher takes his windup, bend down and wiggle your knees. This will distract his thinking and might cause him to balk. Also between pitches, you may whistle "Yankee Doodle", and on occasion, you may drop your bat just before the pitcher delivers his pitch. This will force the itcher to do either of two things: drop the ball in the middle of his pitch, or pitch the ball 10 feet over your head.
Just be sure to do these few things, and you will win your team a ballgame.
David Cloeter, grade 8a
LOST - I have lost my black and white gym shoes, sixe 4½. They were left in the gym, but later reported to have been outside. My name is in them.
Steve Kraft, 5b
Rabbits for sale. All colors. 30¢. Weaned. $1.50 dressed. $1.00 fullgrown.
Charles Rolfsmeier, 6b
Yes, you may go to camp if you want to. Winners of the LLL scholarship in grade seven are: Holly Krutz, Lois Langefeld, Allen Luebbe and Tim Sylwester.
Go to Part 2 of this issue of Hi Lights.
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